Author: S. Alim Reza
an IT conspiracy
think about it they’re everywhere in every company they manage the pipelines design, maintain the routes of the most sensitive data now, of course, there’s cryptography that’s great at keeping individual bits locked but zoom out further every IT professional either work for a company with robust protocols to keep their data safe or work…
the arcane diary posits a fairly simple question
a simple questionwith enormous repercussionswhat if it all were true?mythscripturefictionthe ethereal realm of imaginationif something can exist only there,where is that, exactly? Elsewhere – to my Earthican friends
Perfect Peace [part 5]
They arrived a little over an hour later, and the event took place in a large, beautiful park in a natural valley with mountains in the distance. The park had a roadway that wound throughout, so in the course of finding a place to park, they had a chance to spy on the festivities and…
Perfect Peace [part 6]
Paul loved books and prided himself in his growing collection of them, mostly for the air of sophistication they lent him when inviting people into his home. He did love to read about various topics ranging from do-it-yourself and investments to more esoteric stuff like paranormal research but often noted that he would probably never…
Perfect Peace [part 7]
He sensed movement ahead in the shadows as he proceeded into the dank, cavernous tunnels. “Holy shit!” He said, with an air of detachment. A creature appeared before him, terrible and enormous, bearing more resemblance to something from the depths of an ocean than the innards of a mountain. Without thinking, Paul had an empowering…
Perfect Peace [part 8]
A short while later, Paul turned another corner and saw a door that resembled the office doors he had seen earlier at the end of the stone corridor. “Thank GOD!” He said as he reached the door and found he could manipulate it. The door swung open and slammed closed behind him, disappearing and becoming…
Perfect Peace [part 3]
Then the kids woke up, and the peace bubble burst. Danny, his nine-year-old son, stirred from slumber first. Maggie, his twelve-year-old daughter, followed close behind and started the day’s argument by insisting that Danny was taking too long in the bathroom. “We need to get a place with more bathrooms,” Anne had been saying recently,…
Perfect Peace [part 2]
With whom could he share these innermost horrors, that he was living someone else’s life and that his dreams had become a nightmare? His friends would think he was an ungrateful jerk, and he certainly couldn’t share these feelings with Anne. He felt he had been duped by an evil wish-granting genie that took his…
Go to the mattresses
When you’re pinned into a tight spotSleep with your back against the wallOn a mattressOn the floor