Category: Novels
Nic is the Avatar
Freed from the confines of mortal life, Nic lives in a dream world of his own making. Will it be heaven or hell?
Inside out/ Simultaneously without within/ Within without
A Horrid Realization
Ritual abusers, in whatever stripe they come – Their ceremonies You know the ones… They’re supposed to represent life: A life From conception That’s the part they show in movies – Birth Voila To death All represented neatly In one ceremony Cool right? Clever even But despicable beyond all reason And it gets worse You’d…
Go to the mattresses
When you’re pinned into a tight spotSleep with your back against the wallOn a mattressOn the floor
Dead man’s switch
Rigged to pop if anything happens. Haha, fuck you. My safety and well-being are now your priority, asshole. Dead switch, indeed.
pirate meets ninja
The criminal underworld meets the actual underworld. Bloody, violent, and add a romantic Mediterranean twist theirs is a love of A Thousand Lifetimes