Category: Arcane Poetry Vol. 1
All I want to do is sleep today It’s rainy and miserable – Even my fallacies are pathetic. Dreaming is an escape A more colourful life A glimpse of another world Inside my head That seems to make sense. I would love to stay in it
Departing Introduction
Saying goodbye Under a dark gray sky Getting over my last ‘neath a night overcast I’m coming awake Like a snake In the night The cleft on my chin Is the sign: Infinite My eyes will see Right through you Expose you for what you are Don’t try to fool me I’m brighter than that…
The Stockholm syndrome love For my grim reaper A fetish for death Grotesque Assuming the cloak of destruction The end of a beginning To the beginning of the end The earthworm Who transforms death And cultivates life. It is not murder – Simply reincarnation Acceleration ONE blessed day We’ll depart from this sewer. Life is…
Dog Chasing Tail
Everything is devoid Happiness is relative Never real Lasting Or complete We are plagued With questions With no answers Programmed failure For punishment Or amusement Life is pain When we die Does it get better Or worse? I want to pass out And awaken Someone new This life Is not to my satisfaction This is…
Coming Apart at the Seams
Frothing at the lips Seething through my teeth I haven’t felt like throttling anyone In a very long time Fortunate for them I’m a gentleman Whose restraint muscle Has been well exercised Yet my trust instinct Has been whittled down to a bloody nub Every time I come out of hiding People tend to wipe…
Inside out/ Simultaneously without within/ Within without
All That Is
The breeze of a helicopter Eyes mirroring sadness My thoughts a flurry Of synaptic meltdown To isolate a thought And enjoy the now For a half-second longer In a state of chaos We are but mere receptors Struggling to find a meaning Of it all The bigger the All becomes The more laborious the process…
A Monster
A wolf in sheepskin Hunts, Tracking pursuit Following a bloody trail Prints of a paw, a claw Of five To connect the guilt With the mind Responsible
Alley Cats
Mid Night Crawlers Unaware That it is dark Unsure If alive or dead In morning twilight They dance the razorblade tango Whirling recklessly At the edge of life. Awake since forever Spirit spurred on With caffeine and nicotine. Two things I obsessively read: License plates and graffiti No matter how obscure or obscene.
A Bard
A poet on a mystic path My song is without a melody, But with the rhythm of life And the tune of the breeze Under the thrum of eyes watching Amidst the trees. Only for a moment Then it is gone.