Category: Perfect Peace
Perfect Peace [part 8]
A short while later, Paul turned another corner and saw a door that resembled the office doors he had seen earlier at the end of the stone corridor. “Thank GOD!” He said as he reached the door and found he could manipulate it. The door swung open and slammed closed behind him, disappearing and becoming…
Perfect Peace [part 3]
Then the kids woke up, and the peace bubble burst. Danny, his nine-year-old son, stirred from slumber first. Maggie, his twelve-year-old daughter, followed close behind and started the day’s argument by insisting that Danny was taking too long in the bathroom. “We need to get a place with more bathrooms,” Anne had been saying recently,…
Perfect Peace [part 2]
With whom could he share these innermost horrors, that he was living someone else’s life and that his dreams had become a nightmare? His friends would think he was an ungrateful jerk, and he certainly couldn’t share these feelings with Anne. He felt he had been duped by an evil wish-granting genie that took his…
Perfect Peace [part 1]
Short Story Perfect Peace Paul looked up from his magazine and over at Anne, who was reading a book in bed. “Do we really have to go to this thing tomorrow?” She put her book down. “You promised the kids. They’ve been looking forward to a drive in the country like you promised. And you…