Here’s the game plan.
I am writing a book. Enough of the puzzle has come together to see how the seemingly unrelated pieces threaded into one story.
I have put all the work into this story – writing down every glimpse I got, collecting and organizing them obsessively, and further digging in to see more. Writing, re-writing, and reorganizing, and now it’s ready. It all makes sense now, and I plan to deliver it, piece by piece.
I want to show you the finished product when it’s done. In the meantime, I will release pieces to you in a way that I hope will balance sufficient depth while remaining in a digestible portion. I will continue to fine-tune this content with your feedback, and when it is ready, it will be published as a book, e-book, and audiobook in various formats.
Once the first part of the story is complete, we will move on to the next in the same manner, in a way that will make for an entertaining read online.
The final version of the book may differ slightly in format and in editing. Some of what you read may not make the final cut. This will make the process pieces that are put aside some rare, early edition experiences of the story that only you, the early supporter, will have read.
The goal is to make the story available to many people interested in reading it as soon as possible. The freshest material will always be exclusive to my paid supporters first.
After a time, this material will be made available to more people and replaced with the next step in the story’s development. This way, there will always be progress on the project, and the finished product will be delivered according to your level of support.
Let me tell you, it has been a hell of a ride so far, and I look forward to sharing it with you. I hope this will build a community of like-minded people to help propel this creation into the hands of whoever would appreciate its flavour.
Pay whatever you can or think the story deserves, and know that I sincerely appreciate your help to make this dream a reality.
I hope you are entertained and intrigued by reading it and your thoughts provoked. May it bring something of value to your life.
Thank you for joining me in this endeavour. I can’t promise that it will always be to your taste or to your liking, but I solemnly promise to deliver it faithfully and to the best of my ability.
Dare to open The Arcane Diary?
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